Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Healthy Holiday

As we celebrate the holiday season, one thing many of us worry about is the extra pounds that we could be adding during the holiday celebrations.  To help minimize the effects of all the holiday celebrations, try enjoying some foods and beverages that are rich in calcium. Calcium and Vitamin D
Calsura Cranberry Pomegranate Punch
together can help guide your metabolism in the right direction for weight loss as shown in recent publications studying individual groups with diets rich in calcium.
Healthy foods don’t have to be boring either.  Calsura provides a great tasting, fun way to get that metabolism moving by putting to work the 500 mg of calcium plus Vitamin D in each serving.  For a festive twist for holiday parties, try using Cranberry Pomegranate or other flavors of Calsura with sparkling water, instead of plain water, this will provide a tasty and healthy treat you and your guests will love.  For even more fun, add some fruit sorbet or vanilla gelato to the sparkling Calsura for a great tasting healthy holiday punch, that is sure to be the hit of all your holiday festivities.
Happy Holidays and a Healthy New Year from the team at Calsura.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Avoiding Osteoporosis and Maintaining Strong Bones

Forget about the age old belief that osteoporosis is an unavoidable part of aging! It is true that biologically, women tend to have lower bone density than men and when menopause hits, the natural decrease in estrogen can lead to a loss in bone mass. However, if women are proactive about their physical health from an early age, any potential loss in bone density can be completely avoided!

There are plenty of easy and everyday tasks to be taken that can ensure that you lead the healthiest life that you possibly can. Here are a few tips!

  • Eating foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D can help you to reach the daily-recommended amount of each, which can lead to a decrease in your chances of developing osteoporosis. Yogurt, broccoli, oranges, and shrimp are high in calcium while foods like wild-caught salmon and tuna are packed with vitamin D. 
  • Engaging in both high-impact and low-impact weight-bearing exercises can help to build and maintain a healthy bone density. High-impact weight-bearing exercises include dancing, hiking and tennis. Low-impact weight-bearing exercises include using elliptical machines, stair-stepping machines, or fast walking on a treadmill.
  • It can be hard to reach the daily amounts of recommended calcium and vitamin D. Taking daily soluble calcium tablets can ensure that you really do reach the recommended amounts each day. There are plenty of different options and flavors available, making it easy to incorporate into your everyday life! 

It’s easy to ensure that you don’t fall into the downward spiral of a lowered bone density. Make these simple everyday steps and you’ll be on your way to a life long of bone health!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Balancing Your Calcium Intake—Managing Your Calcium Supplements

calcium supplements
Learning the Side Effects of Calcium Supplements
Receiving your daily allowance of calcium is harder than you might think. While certain foods, such as spinach, kale and tuna, contain high amounts of calcium, it's not always easy to eat enough and achieve your daily dose. Calcium tablets help you take in this necessary nutrient, but are there any side effects of calcium supplements you should worry about?

The Facts About Calcium
 Calcium plays an important role in bone, teeth, heart and hormonal health, but it's possible to get too much. You need calcium to keep your body functioning properly, but calcium doesn't work on its own; it requires Vitamin D for your body to absorb it correctly.

Women need calcium and are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis than men. The recommended daily allowance of calcium for women varies depending on their ages. For example, women under 50 need at least 1,000 mg per day. The Mayo Clinic says more isn't always better, as too much calcium can lead to kidney stones, constipation and calcium buildup in your blood vessels.

While the side effects of calcium supplements are few, it's important to stay within the recommended daily allowance. In addition, pairing it with vitamin D can help your body absorb it more efficiently for better health results.

The Calsura Difference
For ensuring you get the balance in your body right, Calsura is the best option among calcium supplements. By following our recommended doses, you’ll get the calcium your body needs without exceeding your daily requirements. Take the guesswork out of supplementing your calcium intake. Order Calsura’s soluble calcium today.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Soluble Calcium Tablets – Making The Right Choice

The Benefits of Soluble Calcium Tablets
According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, about 80 percent of women are deficient in their daily calcium intake and are at risk for developing osteoporosis during their life time.  Osteoporosis (weak bones) can affect women starting in their 20s, and the condition worsens as each year passes. In the past, scientists thought osteoporosis occurred simply due to age, but they now have a better understanding of how the foods we eat help our body build and maintain strong bones to combat this slow but debilitating disease.

Bio-Available Calcium Plays a Major Role
Women don't get enough calcium because of poor dietary choices, such as avoiding caloric rich dairy foods or a lack of balanced nutrients in today's quick “convenience” foods.  Organic foods, such as spinach and kale, contain high calcium amounts. Even fatty fish, such as tuna and salmon, contain this critical nutrient that can only come from the foods we eat.  However, it is important to know that the calcium you consume must be absorbed or bio-available to be beneficial.  And to be absorbed by the body, the calcium must be solubilized or dissolved. The strong acid in your stomach can help solubilize calcium but no calcium is actually absorbed in the stomach but rather in the small intestine. Unfortunately, unlike the stomach, the small intestine produces no acid and therefore, it is the solubility of the calcium source that determines how much calcium is absorbed. With aging, particularly among women, there is a decrease in stomach acid production. Because of this, soluble calcium tablets that are simply added to water can be a great and easy way for women to get their necessary daily calcium and vitamin D requirements without having to change their lifestyle.

Opting for a product, such as Calsura soluble calcium tablets, that is 11 times more soluble than calcium citrate can help women receive all the bone building and health benefits to help improve their lives today and in the future.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Calsura – Soluble Calcium For A Busy Life

Are you getting enough calcium in your diet? More than 80% of women, both adults and adolescents, are not consuming the recommended amount of calcium. The numbers for our youth are even more astonishing: 75% of boys and 90% to 95% of girls are missing the mark as well. 

Calcium is vital to healthy bones and teeth. Consuming foods and drinks that provide a healthy amount of calcium is the best way to ensure that your body has enough calcium for healthy bone and tooth growth and strengthening.

Calsura is soluble calcium, absorbing into the body 40% more than milk, other dairy foods, and ordinary calcium supplements. This greater absorption has been shown in over 30 years of clinical research to maintain a healthier bone mass in adults and build stronger bones in young children and teenagers reducing the risk of bone fractures by 40-50% over their lifetime.

Drinking Calsura is the easiest way to supply your bones and teeth with the calcium you need for maximum health. Youngsters from 4 to 8 years old can get their recommended daily intake of calcium from only 1 ½ servings of Calsura. From 9-18, 3 servings will provide the extra boost for growing bones and a busy schedule. From 19-50 years old, most adults will be receiving their daily intake of calcium from only 2 servings of Calsura. After age 51, 2 ½ servings are needed, especially for women, who are at increased risk of osteoporosis.

Pregnant women between 19 and 50 years of and nursing under 18, drinking Calsura will help ensure the necessary calcium intake, along with vitamin D, vitamin C and magnesium during this critical time.  

Learn more about Calsura, the soluble calcium supplement, at MyCalsura.com today!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Calcium Supplements and Bone Health

As we age, our bodies get less efficient at maintaining themselves. Our bones, for instance, get stronger when we're young, because the body replaces lost bone matter quickly. But at some point, this process reverses, and we just can't produce new bone cells fast enough to replace what we've lost. But women don't have to submit quietly to this state of affairs.

Most people know that calcium is good for your bones. But though this is common knowledge, many Americans still aren't getting the calcium they need. This isn’t necessarily by choice. People may mistakenly think they're getting enough calcium. But to promote bone health, you've got to do more than just consume as much of it as you can find; you need other things too, especially vitamin D.

A good calcium supplement, which contains calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients, is a great way to complement a healthy diet. We need lots of these things to keep our bones strong, and for many, that's difficult—especially if they've got dietary restrictions keeping them from calcium-rich foods, like dairy products.

It's never too early to start thinking about bone health. Doing so now may prevent a lot of pain and inconvenience years down the road. So whatever your age, it's a good idea to start taking calcium supplements. Your future self will thank you.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Three Ways to Spare Your Beautiful Bones

It’s never too early for a woman to start caring about her bone health. We’ve only got 206 bones, and they’ve got last us a lifetime. Here are three simple things you can do to ensure strong, healthy bones:

1. Get out of your chair and move around. A well-balanced exercise routine can go a long way toward keeping your weight-bearing bones strong and intact. Take a walk in the sunshine if you can. Doing it will allow your body to naturally produce the vitamin D that contributes to bone health.

2. Boost bone health with the right foods. How about grilled salmon and a spinach salad for dinner? Oily fish like salmon, tuna and trout and dark leafy greens such as spinach and kale are among the most bone-healthy foods you can eat.

3. Take a calcium supplement every day. Even active women who eat right can suffer bone loss as they age. The best calcium supplement for women is one that’s bio-available and easy to take. The natural calcium in CALSURA absorbs quickly while delivering a healthful measure of vitamin D, magnesium and iron.

CALSURA comes in a variety of yummy flavors that are easy to take. Would you like a free sample? Call 855.986.4466.