Monday, June 9, 2014

Soluble Calcium From Calsura

Most people know that calcium is an important part of our regular diets. But to maximize your calcium intake, it’s best to deliver the calcium quickly and efficiently to the bones that need its nourishment.

Soluble calcium is the best bio-available form of calcium that allows your body to absorb the nutrients it needs and use them easily. CALSURA is an excellent source of soluble calcium that helps to build and strengthen bones at any age. Throughout your life, bones will break down and regenerate so it’s important that calcium be consumed as a regular part of your daily diet. Whether you’re building bone as a youngster, or maintaining healthy adult bones, CALSURA can give you an extra edge in maintaining a healthy level of bone-building calcium in your diet. 

CALSURA is powerful because its soluble calcium is 40% more absorbable than milk or popular calcium supplements. Plus it is a good source of vitamin C, iron and magnesium. Pioneered by The Procter and Gamble Company and backed by more than 25 years of clinical studies, the benefits of soluble calcium to build stronger bones in children and teens, as well as maintains healthy bone mass in adults are unrivaled. This has been publicized as the “Super Calcium Miracle”.  Unfortunately, 1 out of 2 women over age 35 will suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture so it’s important to address adequate calcium consumption as early as possible and continue pursuing a healthy dietary calcium level from childhood straight through adulthood. CALSURA now makes it a fun and convenient way to get your dietary calcium and vitamin without taking a big, hard to swallow pill.

If your body can’t receive the calcium and use it effectively, you’re not going to be able to enjoy the full benefits of adequate calcium supplementation. The soluble calcium in CALSURA will help your body process and use the calcium faster and more effectively than from any other calcium supplements or dairy products. Learn more about CALSURA and its benefits at

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