Friday, June 27, 2014

Dissolvable Calcium: A Healthy Water Enhancer

healthy water enhancer
The fact that so many of us are aware of how important it is to drink an adequate amount of water every day is nothing short of awesome. Of course, many people drank plenty of water for thousands of years because it was among the only beverages available, but those days are long gone! Today we are faced with countless beverage options, many of which are less nutritious spins on drinks that aren’t nearly as bad in their unadulterated form, such as tea and coffee. The temptation of soda, sugary lattes, sweet teas and more can easily add up to tons of empty calories, not to mention leaving us feeling sluggish, or actually contributing to illness. The importance of drinking water is so great that entire books are dedicated to it, but sometimes we crave a little more flavor and simply can’t resist. Luckily, a healthy water enhancer can shake up your usual water routine while actually bringing benefits!

We’re all familiar with those tiny bottles of water enhancer that have been popping up on store shelves with increasing regularity in recent years. And if you take a glance at the label, you’ll quickly notice that some are better than others! The idea of being able to control how much flavor you add is appealing for sure, but with one of the primary reasons for drinking water being its health benefits, it doesn’t make sense to squirt away the goodness with a bunch of chemicals. Luckily, you don’t have to sacrifice the healthfulness of your beverage to get some fabulous flavor with CALSURA dissolvable calcium tablets! Just drop them into your water bottle or glass, and get ready for fresh, fruity flavor that also offers calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D, iron, and magnesium. And what you don’t get is important too – namely, you don’t get calories or sugar. So drink up and enjoy!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Dissolvable Calcium Tablets that Fit Your Busy Schedule!

bioavailable calcium supplement
The list of things many of us have to accomplish in one day is enough to exhaust us just thinking about it, let alone actually doing it all. And in spite of that, every day we do our best to get as much of it done as possible! There is work, of course, and exercise. There is taking care of our children, taking care of our pets, taking care of our homes and automobiles. Then there are small but important things, like trying to follow the wash instructions as best we can when we do laundry. The temptation to throw that sweater in the washer and dryer and be done with it is tempting, but we don’t!

Life is full, and complicated, and stressful. But life is also amazing and worth celebrating. And with all we have to do, and all we have to look forward to, it is important that one of our biggest concerns is treating ourselves right mentally and physically. Just like it would be easier to throw that hand-wash only sweater in the washer, it would be easier to ignore our nutritional needs and pull into the drive-thru of our favorite local fast food joint. But easier doesn’t always mean better; we know that feeding our body right is worth the extra work.

While we should always strive to get the majority of our nutritional needs from the foods we eat, many of us aren’t getting adequate calcium from our diet alone. And those of us who have taken calcium supplements in the form of calcium pills know all too well that they can be a tough pill to swallow! That’s part of what makes CALSURA dissolvable calcium tablets such a welcome alternative. Wherever your day takes you, having delicious, bioavailable calcium supplements at the ready is made easy. Simply tear open a CALSURA packet, drop the 2 fruit-flavored tablets inside into a glass or bottle of water, let them dissolve, sip and smile! As it turns out, sometimes treating your body right is pretty easy after all!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Soluble Calcium From Calsura

Most people know that calcium is an important part of our regular diets. But to maximize your calcium intake, it’s best to deliver the calcium quickly and efficiently to the bones that need its nourishment.

Soluble calcium is the best bio-available form of calcium that allows your body to absorb the nutrients it needs and use them easily. CALSURA is an excellent source of soluble calcium that helps to build and strengthen bones at any age. Throughout your life, bones will break down and regenerate so it’s important that calcium be consumed as a regular part of your daily diet. Whether you’re building bone as a youngster, or maintaining healthy adult bones, CALSURA can give you an extra edge in maintaining a healthy level of bone-building calcium in your diet. 

CALSURA is powerful because its soluble calcium is 40% more absorbable than milk or popular calcium supplements. Plus it is a good source of vitamin C, iron and magnesium. Pioneered by The Procter and Gamble Company and backed by more than 25 years of clinical studies, the benefits of soluble calcium to build stronger bones in children and teens, as well as maintains healthy bone mass in adults are unrivaled. This has been publicized as the “Super Calcium Miracle”.  Unfortunately, 1 out of 2 women over age 35 will suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture so it’s important to address adequate calcium consumption as early as possible and continue pursuing a healthy dietary calcium level from childhood straight through adulthood. CALSURA now makes it a fun and convenient way to get your dietary calcium and vitamin without taking a big, hard to swallow pill.

If your body can’t receive the calcium and use it effectively, you’re not going to be able to enjoy the full benefits of adequate calcium supplementation. The soluble calcium in CALSURA will help your body process and use the calcium faster and more effectively than from any other calcium supplements or dairy products. Learn more about CALSURA and its benefits at

The Best Calcium Supplement Is Here: Meet Calsura!

Welcome to the official blog of CALSURA, the soluble calcium solution.  CALSURA Fast Action Drink Tablets is a fun, convenient and tasty way to get the calcium your body needs for strong bones at any age.

We believe CALSURA is the best calcium supplement on the market for a variety of different reasons. For nutritional benefits, calcium absorption, and a great tasting drink, CALSURA has no equal and is miles ahead of the competition.

We’ll use this blog to delve deeper into CALSURA and discuss its many benefits:

  •         Simply add to water, not a hard-to-swallow pill
  •         Refreshing flavors; cranberry pomegranate, peach mango and more
  •         Help build healthy bones in children and teens
  •         Help protect and maintain healthy adult bones
  •         No digestive discomfort or worry about kidney stones
  •         Convenient to use anywhere, anytime - at home, the gym and on the go.   

CALSURA is much more than a calcium supplement. It goes to work quickly and delivers bio-absorbable nutrients in a great-tasting zero-calorie drink. So many children and adults are calcium-deficient, and CALSURA provides an easy and tasty way to build up calcium in the body. Whether you have special dietary needs or you’re lactose intolerant, CALSURA can give you the calcium your bones need to stay healthy.

To learn more about CALSURA and its nutritional impact, visit our main website at and find out how CALSURA can help improve your health today!